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get object property Reports a property of an object in the current project. The first input is the name of an object, a color, or a page. The second input is a property name. Following is a list of the properties each object can have: Page: turtles, texts, buttons, sliders, melodies, records, videodisks, qtmovies, qtsounds, audiocds, colordemons Turtle: visible?, rule, on?, own Button: pos, size, rule, on? Slider: pos, showname?, limits, value Text: visible?, pos, size, transparent?, showname?, text Color: turtlerule, turtlemode, mouseclick, on? Melody: visible?, pos, on?, showname?, instrument, volume, tempo Recording: visible?, pos, on?, showname? QTMovie: visible?, pos, on?, showname? AudioCD: visible?, pos, on?, showname? Videodisk: visible?, pos, on?, showname? announce: pos, size question: pos, size Sounds: quality See Creating and Modifying Objects Under Program Control in Section 3 of the User's Guide for more information. The following examples assume that the objects are in the project. show get "t1 "rule forever[fd 1] show get "t1 "on? true show get "button1 "rule launch [page1] show get "text1 "size 160 100 show get "t1 "own speed 12 show get "question "size 354 132 show get "sounds "quality good